The 4 Financial Paths

We are all forced to choose one of 4 paths.

You’re going to pick one, whether you do it with purpose or from inaction.
Which one you choose affects your results.

Wing It.

Most people are doing this. They have no idea what they are doing. Weeks and months pass but they are no closer to their goals than before.

DIY (Do It Yourself).

I did this for a long time. It’s extraordinarily inefficient to just figure it out as you go. Also, you spend most of your time back-tracking because you didn’t do the steps in order.

Hire a Professional.

Sure, you can get a CPA to do your taxes, a Financial Advisor to invest your money, a Finance Manager to budget your money/pay your bills. But it’s too expensive.

Hire a coach.

A coach brings their proven plan. The Fenix Path works. That’s the easy part. The unknown is whether or not you’ll stick with it.

Does it matter which one you choose? YES! But no one is going to make the choice for you.

Wing It

These people don’t screw up their lives on purpose. They just don’t know any other way. They’re just winging it because that’s what everyone else is doing. No one has it figured out.

Don’t believe me? Go ask your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. People that wing it are doing what their environment tells them to do.

Go to college, Get a job, Buy a house, Adopt a pet, Have 2-3 kids, Pay your bills, Hope that you don’t screw everything up by 67+, Die. The people that choose this path don’t usually do it consciously. They’re forced into it.

How high is the success rate of this plan? Pretty damn low.

These people hope for luck, but they rarely have any. Something ALWAYS happens: they get in a car accident, they lose their job, the air conditioner breaks, the kid breaks their arm, the electricity bill is too high, the home insurance bill shows up, they get a speeding ticket…there is ALWAYS an emergency.

DIY (Do It Yourself).

Hire a Professional.

Hire a coach.

So that’s it.

There are only four paths to choose from, and you’re going to take one of the paths, whether you want to or not. So which path are you going to choose?

The Fenix Path is the obvious choice.

But don’t take my word for it. I biased obviously. I created the course and am obviously offering it to my clients.

For this reason, I offer the online course free for a week. Try it. If you don’t see it working for you, cancel. No love lost.

The same is true about the Personal Coaching. I give a week of the program for free. If it’s not for you, I’ll give you all your money back. If after the first 30 days, you don’t feel this is for you, I will give you all your money back.

No questions, no gimmicks, no hoops, no tricks. I care about your satisfaction. I know that once this works for you, you will tell your friends and family.


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