Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of financial advice do you give?

Wealth isn’t possible without chainging your behavior and perceptions. For this reason, The Fenix Path wealth plan uses history, symbology, metaphors, and 2000-year principles to simplify modern financial concepts. We help you establish core knowledge, reveal new ways to perceive the world, identify toxic behavior, challenge you to reflect on your actions, and guide you through each step to wealth.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This will take hard work. This is not a program that turns millionaires into billionaires. This is for regular folks like you.

What principles are used to guide behavioral change?

The Fenix Path emphasizes mastery of our thoughts and our response to external circumstances. In addition, it urges its followers to embrace a mindset that is less impulsive, more reflective, and encompasses a greater awareness of the brevity of life.

Specifically, a Fenix will seek adversity, embrace virtues, prioritize reason over pleasure, control emotional responses, increase wisdom, and understand behavior.

There are other programs. Why should I choose The Fenix Path?

Other wealth plans are too limited because they only address small parts of personal finance. Consequently, they don’t start you at the beginning. For example, you wouldn’t put up the walls before leveling the ground and laying a foundation for a house. At the same time, don’t choose a program that starts you on Step #17. Also, no other program addresses other concepts such as your environment, economic class distinction, and social conditioning, just to name a few. Start with the foundation so the walls to hold up.

The Fenix Path is not the only way. We’re just the best way.

You might have heard that some mentors tell you to take baby steps. These programs are fine but you don’t get to where you’re going by taking baby steps. In reality, the Fenix Path is the only program that starts you at Step 0, changes your perceptions, and guides you the entire way.  We move past baby steps and get you soaring to wealth. It’s won’t happen overnight, but The Fenix Path will change you forever.

What Types Of Wealth Plans Are Offered?

Online, Self-Guided Course

The online, self-guided course is the most practical option for self-starters. It is for people with more time than income. The Fenix Path online course is easy to read and understand, dynamically walks you through each step, and can be done at your own pace. It can also be cancelled at anytime.

Personal Coaching

Personal Coaching provides a more personal experience. It is for people with a good income but less time. If you need regular accountability or just want to make sure you’re being efficient then choosing Mike as your Personal Coach is the best option. You will still be able to complete all the dynamic, online content but will have the added benefit of Mike as your weekly resource to make sure you are accomplishing your goals. Active mentorship is available with Mike but is limited. It requires a one-on-one consultation with him (at no cost to you) and has a minimum 90-day commitment.

What You’ll Get In The FREE Fenix Wealth Plan…



Free 15-Page e-Book

This is an introduction to The Fenix Path wealth plan. It is easy to read and provides an insight to Mike’s unique perspectives on personal finance. This book will challenge your current thoughts about personal finance.



Free 52-Week Email Course

Mike will be meeting you weekly by email to foster your growth. Similar to The Fenix Path online course, these emails give you new ways to perceive the world and yourself.



Free 3-Hour Audio Course

You don’t always have time to read. The Fenix Path online course includes audio so you can learn wherever you are. To get you started, Mike has hand-picked a selection of his audio lessons from The Fenix Path wealth plan as his gift to you.

Start Your Wealth Plan Today. Get All 3 Now!

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Practical wealth plan to get you past baby steps and soaring to your rich life.

Request a Call Back

For questions about online, self-guided course or Personal Coaching, complete the contact form or email Mike directly.

Your details are kept strictly confidential per our Privacy Policy.

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