The Rebirth: Introduction to The Fenix Path

The Fenix Path reveals the mind-numbing paradox about how/why we have been conditioned to remain in a perpetual struggle. The grim reality is that you have been surviving in a systemically-created delusion intent on cheating you out of financial freedom, perpetuating inequality, all the while blinding you from the actual truth.

The Rebirth: Introduction to The Fenix Path​

My hope with these online courses is to dynamically compile decades of knowledge in one place and walk you through each part. It will serve as a living document of the knowledge I acquire and may be updated from time to time. It is the digital form of the book I am concurrently writing called Inferno. The order I deliver lessons to you are not the order that I learned them. They are, however, the order in which I wished I had learned them, which would have been more efficient and saved me lots of unnecessary time & headache.


an immortal, mythological bird associated with Greek mythology that is said to burst into flames at the end of its life and is subsequently reborn from its ashes.

The Fenix Path is a 5-course personal finance series.

Many modern financial concepts and lessons in The Fenix Path are taught using quotes, metaphors, and ancient wisdom to solidify your knowledge. Because my background is in healthcare, I will sometimes use medical metaphors to drive points home, but you don’t need to be a medical nerd like me to get the point.

I said this on the home page of my website: You’re not broke; you’re broken. Your financial problems (and others) are largely a reflection of a much bigger issue: your perceptions & behavior. People that have financial problems don’t only have financial problems: they’ve got other shit going on too. It’s just their financial problems that weigh the heaviest. Financial burdens divide the wealthy from the poor and these divisions create new financial burdens. It’s a never-ending cycle. Once you embrace the concepts in The Fenix Path, you can sit back and watch many of your other problems resolve themselves. Following other wealth plans only treat the financial symptoms of a much more complex disease…which you will learn more about.

The course names for The Fenix Path are intentional and the lessons inside call on the phoenix symbologies of rebirth, fire, wisdom, perseverance, balance, and freedom. Unlike other wealth plans, The Fenix Path reveals the mind-numbing paradox about how/why we have been conditioned to remain in perpetual poverty. 

The five parts of The Fenix Path are The Rebirth, The Nest, The Flock, The Flight, & The Inferno.

The Rebirth: Introduction To The Fenix Path

The Rebirth asks you to leave your old life behind. Becoming a Fenix is not without cost. To start your new life, it’s going to cost your old one. This course discusses the concepts of perceptions, knowledge, wisdom, and renewal/rebirth. 

Like the phoenix, the concept of rebirth is quite important in The Fenix Path. You are going to be asked to make a decision to start your new life and decide that you are becoming renewed. To achieve freedom, you have to leave your old life behind. You can’t become who you want by remaining what you are.

The Nest: History & Foundational Knowldege

The Nest builds a foundation by guiding you through hundreds of years of American/World History to show you the events that created a system of inequality and delivers some foundational knowledge about how money works.

The Flock: Environment & Mindset

The Flock reveals the collective mindset of a Fenix. It is a collection of insights that encourages people to change how they perceive themselves, others, and the world around them.

The Flight: Taking Control

The Flight is not a “baby-step” financial plan. It advances you from crawling, walking, and ultimately soaring to wealth by starting you on the beginning steps to fix your financial problems. This course starts you at step one and walks you through each step.

The Inferno: Living Your Life On FIRE

The Inferno builds on the steps in the previous course and reveals the subsequent steps to live your life on FIRE!

FIRE is a financial movement that aims to help individuals achieve financial freedom and gain control over their lives. It is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early.

It is not a coincidence how important fire is as a symbol in personal wealth and The Fenix Path.

The Rebirth will open your eyes; it will open your mind. This course asks you to be curious about the world in which you live. Look things up. Chase down every reference. Go deeper than anybody else; that’s how you’ll get ahead. Changing your perceptions and retraining your behaviors will sometimes be painful, which is precisely the reason we are starting with it. But be warned; the truth you discover in The Nest may be hard for some of you to embrace. The Nest will teach you things you can’t or don’t want to believe. At the same time, you may be affirmed on ideas you always thought we’re true. The truth will be uncomfortable, but it changes EVERYTHING. It changes YOU. Rejection of the truth that you are about to receive doesn’t make it any less truthful. The people that reject reality are broken and so hopelessly dependent on the delusion that they will fight, reject, and resist to perpetuate it.

The Flock teaches you to see yourself differently. This course will ask you to question your own actions and reflect on your behavior. The goal of this series is to empower you, to build you up, to align your compass, to build virtue & purpose. Your goal is to recognize your value and take back your worth.

The Flight & The Inferno are the encore to the first three courses. These two courses used to be the core of my wealth plan and walk you each step toward wealth. Doing the steps in the right order has always been a priority for me and I have discovered over the years that even these steps succeed many others…which is why these two courses are last. After all, you’re not broke; you’re broken.

Fundamentally, financial freedom begins with you, not with wealth. Wealth is the easy part.

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Course Includes

  • 17 Lessons