The Flock: Your Environment & Mindset

The Flock: Your Environment & Mindset

When I was 19 years old, I met a multi-millionaire. He was actually my landlord! In an attempt to impress him, I invited him to lunch (my treat). The purpose of my invitation was to pick his brain about wealth. Sadly, I don’t remember much from that conversation, but I do remember one thing he told me. I asked him, “What did you do to get so wealthy.” He paused for a few moments and then replied, “I looked at everything everyone else was doing…and did the complete opposite.”

It’s been over 15 years since that conversation, but I have thought about it a lot over the years. You know, a lot of my success was because he was right. My thoughts, actions, and behavior are not what most people do. I have discovered that attaining wealth is easier if you change HOW you think. If you don’t change how you think, you’ll just be right back where you started.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.​

Mark Twain​


Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind.​

You already know I was homeless when I was 20. I have told the story countless times and frequently get asked, “How did you do it?”


My reality certainly was NOT middle-class. It was poverty. But I grew up somewhere between low to middle middle-class and so everything I knew was “middle-class.” Naturally, my actions and behavior were what I’ve ALWAYS done…middle-class. Eventually, I got off the street. This was because EVENTUALLY my middle-class actions and behaviors manifested themselves into a middle-class reality.

So it dawned on me. If middle-class behavior could change my reality from poverty to middle-class, what would happen if I changed my middle-class behavior to wealthy behavior? What if I just did what wealthy people did for long enough? My life became consumed with this goal. I had to see if the model of behavior that freed me from the street could also gain me freedom.

It’s been nearly 20 years. I have made just about every mistake you CAN make trying to figure it out…and I did (which is why you are here). My goal is to prevent you from making the same mistakes I have, to make your own, and get to freedom faster.

The Flock addresses your way of thinking. A Fenix sees themselves differently; they see the world differently.


We are going to explore how your mindset affects why you don’t get ahead. I want to introduce you to a new way to see the same things. If we can change the lenses through which you view the world, perhaps you can see where everything is going wrong.

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Course Includes

  • 40 Lessons
  • 22 Topics