Hi, I'm Mike.
My journey to creating The Fenix Path started when I was homeless at 20 years old. Although I was living in poverty, there hadn’t been enough lapsed time to think or behave like homeless people do. I had a job, saved a little money, and lived paycheck-to-paycheck. Even though my actions were middle-class, my reality was poverty. I soon realized that my middle-class actions eventually lead to a middle-class reality that rescued me from poverty.
If behavior can change reality, I wondered what would happen if I exhibited the behavior of wealthy people.
I have repeatedly learned the value of determination and perseverance after enduring homelessness, the unexpected death of my sister & mother, and years of failure. My perseverance has empowered me to rise from a life of misfortune, despair, and mediocrity and construct a unique life of accomplishment.
I have over 15 years of experience successfully guiding people on this path.
I immersed myself in learning the behavior of wealthy people for years. I was known to frequent my local bookstores, reading books off the shelves because I couldn’t afford to buy them. I developed unique perspectives on finance and spent many years fine-tuning the steps that would ultimately become The Fenix Path wealth plan. I didn’t have a mentor, so I had to learn things the hard way. After countless setbacks, I discovered that I could achieve wealth by taking steps in a particular order.
The thing that surprised me the most is that wealth is a consequence of behavior and perspective, not the other way around. Since 2006, I have been actively teaching all the things I have learned.

My experiences have allowed me to develop unique perspectives and I am committed to inspiring others to find value in their misfortune. I show others that every experience uniquely qualifies a person, regardless of their burdens or triumphs, and I challenge them to use those qualifications to make a positive contribution to their community.
Because I started at the bottom, I can meet you wherever you are on your journey.
I know that you are not your situation. The Fenix Path guides you to enhancing the best parts of yourself and gives you the courage to cut out the toxic crap. I have years of experience as an educator in finance, as well as medicine. Because of this, I have an exceptional reputation of taking complicated concepts and making them simple to understand.
More About Me

I am an Internal Medicine Physician Assistant, published author, financial coach, motivational speaker, and the owner of multiple small businesses.
Earning multiple professional recognitions, honors, and awards for my contributions has shown me that growth starts once we recognize that it is our obstacles, not our advantages, that reveal the path to success. I believe that there are no such thing as goals, only milestones…and that one day, in retrospect, our years of struggle will strike us as the most valuable. My journey through medicine, finance, and education has allowed me the opportunity to coach, inspire, and mentor hundreds of future leaders, regardless of their circumstances, as a clinical educator, financial coach, and motivational speaker.